Community Nonprofit Analysis, Second Quarter 2022
Rising Demands on Employees
This analysis is based on responses by community nonprofits surveyed by Statistics Canada across Canada. It introduces community nonprofit organizations’ outlook and their employee situation. This analysis focuses on employee struggles in the community nonprofit sector and plans for employee recruitment and retention.
Download the Community Nonprofits Q2 2022 Analysis 1-page summary.
Download Figures and Notes related to the analysis.
Community Nonprofit Analysis, First Quarter 2022
- Download the infographic for a quick look at the analysis
- Download a version with analysis notes included
Navigating Statistics Canada Nonprofit Data – Webinar
On March 22, 2022 PolicyWise and the Alberta Nonprofit Data Strategy hosted a webinar by Statistics Canada to share tips on how to navigate and use their data. This session is the first in a planned learning series for Alberta nonprofits. Through this webinar you will learn about:
- various data Statistics Canada holds that can inform the nonprofit sector
- how to better navigate the Statistics Canada website.
The presentation slides are available here. They also contain practice questions so you can get familiar with looking for data on the Statistics Canada website.
For questions about the data strategy and future events, contact
You can also click here to watch the video if it does not load above.
For questions about the content of this webinar, or to connect with Statistics Canada about your data questions, please contact Sarah Glover at
Community Nonprofit Analysis, Fourth Quarter 2021
The Alberta Nonprofit Data Strategy: Canadian Survey on Business Conditions, Fourth Quarter 2021 analysis is based on responses by community nonprofits surveyed by Statistics Canada across Canada. It introduces community nonprofits’ organization outlook, employee outlook, and past and planned measures for the COVID-19 pandemic. This analysis discusses the current state of community nonprofits and how this state differs from the past. It tells a story on the impact of COVID-19 on the nonprofit sector over time and how the nonprofit sector experience differs from the private sector.
- Download the infographic for a quick look at the analysis
- Download a version with analysis notes included
Community Nonprofit Analysis, Third Quarter 2021
The Alberta Nonprofit Data Strategy: Canadian Survey on Business Conditions, Third Quarter 2021 analysis is based on responses by community nonprofits surveyed by Statistics Canada across Canada in July to August of 2021. It introduces community nonprofits’ organization outlook, employee outlook, and past and planned measures for the COVID-19 pandemic. This analysis discusses the current state of community nonprofits and how this state differs from the second quarter of 2021.
- Download the infographic for a quick look at the analysis
- Download a version with analysis notes included
The Alberta Nonprofit Data Strategy: Canadian Survey on Business Conditions, Second Quarter 2021 analysis is based on responses by community nonprofits surveyed by Statistics Canada across Canada in April to May of 2021. It introduces community nonprofits’ organization outlook, employee outlook, and past and planned measures for the COVID-19 pandemic. This analysis discusses the current state and future directions of community nonprofits during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Download the infographic for a quick look at the analysis
- Download a version with analysis notes included
- Watch the webinar
The Registered Charity Analysis (2015-2018) with notes!
- Download the Use and Technical Manual for more details and information on how to use the files
- Download a high resolution version of the analysis without notes
- Building a Knowledge-Driven Nonprofit Sector: Executive Summary
- Building a Knowledge-Driven Nonprofit Sector: Connecting the Data
- Building a Knowledge-Driven Nonprofit Sector: Data Sharing Success Stories
- Building a Knowledge-Driven Nonprofit Sector: Developing a Data Hub Model
- Building a Knowledge-Driven Nonprofit Sector: The Alberta Nonprofit Data Strategy Story