PolicyWise's Alberta Nonprofit Data Strategy invites Alberta nonprofits to enroll in Statistics Canada’s data capacity training.
Is your nonprofit looking to use the power of data to enhance client services or funding reports?
PolicyWise for Children & Families invites Alberta nonprofits to enroll in Statistics Canada’s free online training. From March 6 to April 4, four webinars will cover different topics to build your nonprofit’s data capacity skills.
These training sessions include:

Statistics Canada shared the registration information with our Alberta Non-Profit Data Strategy team to ensure Alberta nonprofits could sign up before the general public.
Space is limited to 30 people per session.
Fully booked sessions will have waiting lists available. If a session is in high demand, Statistics Canada may run it again at a later date.
About the Alberta Nonprofit Data Strategy
PolicyWise remains a steadfast ally to the nonprofit sector, ensuring data becomes a driving force for positive and lasting change.
The Alberta Nonprofit Data Strategy is a sector-wide collaborative initiative to build a knowledge-driven nonprofit sector.
March 6: Using Census data with the Beyond 20/20 application
This one-hour presentation introduces Beyond 20/20, a Windows-based program used at Statistics Canada to organize and manage Census data. The session covers the basic functions of Beyond 20/20, such as:
- Re-arranging and nesting dimensions
- Showing how to sort, show, and hide items
- Saving data in different file formats, like IVT, CSV, XLS, and more.
Wednesday, March 6, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Mountain Time (MT)
Register here. This session is available at no cost. Space is limited.

March 11: Communicating data like a human

Learn how to use data to tell a story!
This concise session covers fundamental ideas and methods involved in communicating statistics effectively. Also, learn how to communicate visually by adopting general data visualization guidelines to plan, organize, and visualize your data story.
Monday, March 11, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Mountain Time (MT)
Register here. This session is available at no cost. Space is limited.
March 27: Exploring the labour market in Alberta
Looking to change jobs? Wondering which career to pursue but still determining about the prospects in that field?
Understanding the labour market will help you make evidence-based decisions to answer these types of questions. This session will teach you how to use the Statistics Canada website to find data to help you understand your labour market and answer these important questions.
Wednesday, March 27, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Mountain Time (MT)
Register here. This session is available at no cost. Space is limited.

April 4: Insight of health matters

Responding to pressing public health concerns requires key information on health status, determinants of health, and health care use.
The main objective of this session is to introduce you to the main sources of health statistics available from Statistics Canada, such as:
- Data tables
- Infographics
- Interactive tools, and more.
Examples include the Canadian Community Health Survey, Canadian Health Measures Survey, Mental Health and Access to Care Survey, and the Canadian Survey on Disability.
Thursday, April 4, 2024, from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Mountain Time (MT)
Register here. This session is available at no cost. Space is limited.
Initiative Sponsors
This training series is part of PolicyWise’s Alberta Nonprofit Data Strategy, supported by the Alberta Nonprofit Network and jointly funded by PolicyWise, the Government of Alberta, and the Edmonton Community Foundation.