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New: Charity Insights Canada Project
Researchers at Carleton University lead the Charity Insights Canada Project. This project produces weekly surveys and reports on Canadian charitable sector’s trends, challenges, and opportunities.
The project’s website is a valuable source of up-to-date information for the non-profit sector, due to the significant presence of charitable organizations.

New: Canadian Knowledge Hub for Giving and Volunteering
The Canadian Knowledge Hub for Giving and Volunteering is a recently created resource to help non-profits and businesses gain a better evidence-based understanding of the nature of giving and volunteering in Canada.
The hub enables you to browse survey results from across Canada, including the provinces, based on results from Statistics Canada’s General Social Survey on Giving, Volunteering and Participating.
New: Alberta’s Non-Profit Sector: Too Essential to Fail

New: Catalyst for Change: A Roadmap to a Stronger Charitable Sector
The Government of Canada put together a Senate committee on the charitable sector. The committee extensively consulted with charities, non-profits, and volunteer groups to learn how Canada could support their essential work better.
This resource includes the reports and recommendations stemming from the consultation. There are several recommendations for improving the collection and gathering of non-profit data.
New: Alberta Non-Profit Listing
The Government of Alberta provides a regularly updated listing of created or incorporated non-profit organizations.
This list can be used to estimate the total number of registered non-profits in Alberta. However, it may not include smaller non-profits that need to be registered or are only volunteer based.

New: Arts and Culture Data Viewer
Statistics Canada’s Arts and Culture Data Viewer provides various dashboards on aspects of the arts and culture sector that are often part of the non-profit sector.
Use this viewer to explore this non-profit subsector.
New: Consumer Price Index Data Visualization Tool
Statistics Canada’s Consumer Price Index represents price changes experienced by Canadian consumers. It measures them by comparing the cost of a fixed basket of goods and services over time.
The Latest Snapshot of the CPI tool shows data from the latest Index release and recent price changes by the various basket components and geographies. The Price Trends: 1914 to Today tool shows current and historical trends for different Index items at the national or regional level.
These tools can help non-profits explore inflation, a reported leading obstacle affecting their operations.

Annual Non-Profit Institutions Human Resource Module: Interactive Tool
Statistics Canada’s Annual Non-Profit Human Resources Module breaks down key statistics by characteristic category or demographic. It has data on the number of jobs and average annual wages and salaries of non-profit employees. The tool highlights the latest results with a time-series overview of non-profit institutions by demographic and sector for earnings, type of employment and the number of jobs.
Use this tool to easily access the numerous Statistics Canada data sets in the human resources module.
Quarterly Non-Profit Institutions Economic Account: Interactive Tool
Statistics Canada’s Quarterly Non-Profit Institutions Account tool provides a snapshot of the non-profit sector with key statistics of gross domestic product, income, outlays, and employment.
The tool highlights the latest results with a time-series overview of non-profit institutions by sector and activity. It has data categorized by non-profit institutions serving businesses, households, and governments. It also breaks down current dollar value of non-profit institutions’ gross domestic product and employment for individual activities, such as health care, education and research, social services, and others.
Use this interactive tool to easily access the numerous data sets in this satellite account.

Analysis in Brief: Grants, Subsidies, Donations, Corporate Sponsorships, and Fundraising Take Centre Stage In the Not-for-Profit Performing Arts Industries in Canada
Grants, subsidies, donations, corporate sponsorships, and fundraising are integral to the success of the non-profit performing arts industries. In this analysis, Megan McMaster from Statistics Canada looks at the role of this funding on revenue contributions to non-profit performing arts industries from 2014 to 2022.
An Overview of the Non-Profit Sector in Canada, 2010 to 2020
Statistics Canada discusses non-profit gross domestic product and employment for the 2010 to 2020 period using data from a satellite accounts.
For each non-profit institution’s subsector, the satellite account estimates:
- Gross domestic product
- Gross output
- Employment
- Sales of goods and services
- Expenditures on goods and services
- Transfers from the government, businesses, and households
- Transfers to other sectors

Diversity of Charity and Non-Profit Boards of Directors: Overview of the Canadian Non-Profit Sector
Charities and non-profit organizations play a vital role in supporting and enriching the lives of Canadians. Statistics Canada conducted a crowdsourcing survey between December 4, 2020, to January 18, 2021 of people involved in the governance of charities and non-profit organizations. In this analysis they report on the activities of these organizations and the people they serve. Statistics Canada also discuss the diversity of people who serve on nonprofit boards of directors.
Study on Volunteering in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Statistics Canada based this study on the 2018 General Social Survey on Giving, Volunteering and Participating. This survey measures the contributions of people who have given their time in Canada. These pre-date the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, they provide insight into current challenges and opportunities facing volunteerism.