Lecture Three: Supporting Maltreated Infants and Toddlers

Evelyn Wotherspoon, MSW, RSW, Clinical Social Worker (Private Practice) Now a social worker in private practice, Evelyn Wotherspoon amassed great experience working as an infant mental health consultant with Alberta Health Services’ Collaborative Mental Health Care Program in Calgary, Alberta for almost ten years. As a result of her time observing and assessing babies and toddlers involved with the child welfare system, and working with the Collaborative Mental Health Care Program, pertinent and relevant information for child welfare workers was compiled. This information has been pulled together to form three lectures in a series titled “When Science Meets Practice: Supporting High Risk Infants and Toddlers”.
  • Lecture One: The Core Story of Child Development
  • Lecture Two: What Derails Development?
  • Lecture Three: Supporting Maltreated Infants and Toddlers
These lectures were made possible thanks to the support of: The Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research Alberta Health Services’ Collaborative Mental Health Care Program in Calgary

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